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Monday 17 February 2014


Romanesque Ornament - So soon as charlemagne had succeeded to a certain extent in consolidating his empire, he selected Aixla-Chapelle as his place of residence, and called around him in that city artist of all kinds both from the former Western as well as from the Eastern Roman empires. These artist were engaged in decorating and adorning his palaces, and it was here that a new style, the Romanesque style, based upon classic architecture, and very strongly influenced by Byzantine art, which stood then at its highest glory slowly developed itself.

At first, after the death of Charlemagne, art could not make much progress in the empire, a circumstance due to the fact that Charlemagne’s succesor was an incapable ruler under whose dominion the land lay diseased and dormant, awaiting with dulled apathy the end of all things. It was not until the year 1000 had come that new life began to be again manifest, and later on when the religious zeal was stirred up by the Crussades that some really great and genuine works of art were produced. The Romanesque stye of architecture, whose earliest architects were priests and monks, the lay element being introduced later on, is a genuine Orthodox style. In the beginning this style was heavy, but it soon developed, and reached its highest standard in the 12th and 13th centuries. The aftergrowths of the Romanesque style in Germany were produced by a combination of the same with Gothic, a style which came in from France, resulting in the pointedarch style which sprung into existence. The Romanesque style itself spread rapidly into all those countries which were included in the former Western Roman empire, its character becoming changed in accordance with the character of the inhabitantsof each particular country. In France Spain and England the Romanesque style developed into the Gothic, and some time afterwards, towards the middle of the 13th century, Germany, following the example of France and using the French Gothic as a standard, began also gradually to develop, the Gothic style of architecture.

The Romanesque style of brick architecture was introduced into the Altmark, at Jerichow, and into parts of Mecklenburg, Holstein, and Pomerania, during that period of time when these Wendic lands were being germanised. These districts being poor in stone and very rich in clay, nessesscitated the employment of burnt bricks. The origin of brick architecture has been traced to Lombardy by Herr O. Stiehl, Goverment architect, who carried out a series of careful and searching inquiries into this question (O. Stiehl, Der Backsteinbau romanischer Zeit, besonders in Oberitalien und Norddeutschland). From Lombardy it was introduced into the Wendic districts by missionaries. As the Romanesque style of architecture was the prevalent one at that period, the brickwork was constructed in accordance with it.

The Historic Art Exhibition held in Dusseldorf in the year 1902 contained a most beautiful and unequalled collection of German Enamel-Work from the Romanesque Art-epoch. The different works of art contained in this collection have since been reproduced by Otto von Falke and Heinrich Frauberger in their beautifully illustrated work “Deutsche Schmelzarbeiten des Mittelalters”. There ca be hardly any doubt but that the German artistic enamel-work has its origin in the Byzantine empire. In Germany itself certain centres for this art were established in a few cities, the masters giving instruction each according to his own particular school. One of the most celebrated centres was at Cologne, where the great and celebrated master Frederick taught. Celebrated schools were also established in Treves, Coblenz, and a few other places.

In the provinces of France, the Romanesque style of architecture developed itself in a somewhat peculiarly characteristic fashion, while the Roman classic predominated in the south, more especially in Provence, but the Byzantine style held sway in the south-west. In the north of France, and in Normandy, the two styles were blended together.

In the Middle Ages, certain centres of art were formed in France as well as in Germany, one of the most celebrated art-schools in the 12 th century being established at Verdun. The Verdun Altar is the most renowned work of art during this epoch. It was prepared by Nicholas of Verdun in the year 1191, and is at present in the religious establishment at Klosterneuburg near Vienna (Karl Dresschler, Der Verduner Altar).

The Lombard-Romanesque style shows edvences of Germanic influence but does not evince such a high degree of development as the German-Romanesque style. In Tuscany and Venice, this style had to give way before the Florentine and Byzantine style.

The Normans where originally a northern tribe which had settled in Norway, and who afterwards, being forced through over-population to leave their Scandinavian home, founded a colony in Normandy. They conquered Sicili and Lower Italy and established also colonies in these countries. In the 11th century a characteristic Romanesque style had developed in Normandy. In the Norman colonies in Lower Italy, this style, being very strongly influenced by the Islamite style of the Saracens, developed further into another most characteristic style, which reached its highest standard in the 12th century. From this combination of Oriental and Christian art, the only exemple perhaps of the kind in history, from this union of quick Oriental fancy with the courage, strength, and power of the Northman, have sprung works of art whose delightful, and entrancing beauty charm the beholder and excite his wonder and admiration.

Romanesque church architecture in Spain was influenced by Moorish architecture of which there are many remains.
The art of the early Middle Ages in England can be divided into two perios :

1. The Anglo-Saxon period, from 449 to 1066. The art of this period consisted in an attempt to reproduce the remains of Roman architecture in the country, or in Italy.

2. The Norman period, from 1066 to 1189. The art of this period was an imitation of the Norman French, developing gradually into a characteristic national style.


Gradually, as the political supremacy of a country begins to decline, Art in that country begins also to decay. The decline of classic art was the natural consequence of the political weakness and final decay of the Western Roman Empire, as well as of the decisive victory which Christianity finally obtained over Heathenism. READ MORE.

Byzantine is the title given to that conglomerate style of art which was developed in the Eastern Roman Empire from all the different styles which were in existence at that early period. The first impulse to the development of a Byzantine style was given in the year 30 A. D., when Byzantine or Constantinople became the seat of the royal residence of the emperor Constantine. READ MORE.


Byzantine Ornament - Byzantine is the title given to that conglomerate style of art which was developed in the Eastern Roman Empire from all the different styles which were in existence at that early period. The first impulse to the development of a Byzantine style was given in the year 30 A. D., when Byzantine or Constantinople became the seat of the royal residence of the emperor Constantine, and when Christianity was made the established state religion. Byzantine Art may be said to have reached its highest standart in the 6th century when it spread throughout the whole Empire and extended to North Africa.

Its influence however was not confined to those regions for already in the same century it had reached as far north and west as Scotland and Ireland, in which countries it is found intermingled with Celtic Art. It also penetraded through the Balkan States and Italy, and, from the 9th century when under the influence of the Macedonian Empire, it took fresh life, down to the middle of the 12 th century, it permeated the ornament of all the Romanesque Style of Europe, whilst even in Constantinople when taken by the Turks, in 1453, the Church of Sancta Sophia became the model on which all the Turkish Mosques were based, so far as their main features are concerned.

It was in fact the political influence which the Byzantine Empire enjoyed during the period of its supremacy, together with the low standard of civilization existing at that period in the Christian States of the West, which caused the new Christian Art, whose development had already commenced, to be strongly influenced by the Byzantine Style, more especially in its ornament.


Gradually, as the political supremacy of a country begins to decline, Art in that country begins also to decay. The decline of classic art was the natural consequence of the political weakness and final decay of the Western Roman Empire, as well as of the decisive victory which Christianity finally obtained over Heathenism. READ MORE.

So soon as charlemagne had succeeded to a certain extent in consolidating his empire, he selected Aixla-Chapelle as his place of residence, and called around him in that city artist of all kinds both from the former Western as well as from the Eastern Roman empires. These artist were engaged in decorating and adorning his palaces, and it was here that a new style, the Romanesque style, based upon classic architecture. READ MORE.

Saturday 15 February 2014


Early Christian Ornament - Gradually, as the political supremacy of a country begins to decline, Art in that country begins also to decay. The decline of classic art was the natural consequence of the political weakness and final decay of the Western Roman Empire, as well as of the decisive victory which Christianity finally obtained over Heathenism. In all the old historic styles there exist an intimate connection between religion and art.

Art developed under the aegist of religion and was so strongly influenced by it that a style of art produced under the influence of a certain religion could never harmonise with any other religion except that from which it sprung. When, therefore, Christianity received into its hands the remains of classic art, it was obliged and necessities, without a the same time entirely freeing itself from classic influences. On the ruins, therefore, of the Western Roman empire, the Christian condition of affairs, and making use of the peculiar element of Byzantine art, then in its full glory to form a new style of art of its own. The Byzantine influence was so powerful at that time, that it is often a matter of real difficulty for the art historian to say whether certain works of art belong to the Early Christian or to the Byzantine style. The antiquities discovered in the ancient city of Ravenna show most remarkable traces of Byzantine influences.

Early Christian art may be regarded as a period of transition the tendency of which was to free it self alike from Classic and Byzantine influence. It was only when this latter influence had been entirely overcome, when, about the year 900 A. D., the Romanesque style of architecture began to develop itself, the art began again to move along secure lines.

The attempts to change classic art into forms more suitable to Christianity were, however, not confind to the Western Roman empire. Atempts in this direction were also made in Asia Minor, but were finally rendered unavailing by the spread of Islamism.
Before their contact with the Romans, the art of the Celts, if we exclude architecture and Sculpture, even though primitive, was still a throughly characeristic, peculiar one. The Eastern Goths, who ruled Italy from 493 to 555, but who soon lost their peculiar inviduality, did not cherish this style of art as the Lombards did. These latter, who settled in Northern Italy under Alboin in the year 568, preserved it carefully, and to such an extent that it actually exercised a very remarkable influence on the development of Italo-Romanesque art.


Byzantine is the title given to that conglomerate style of art which was developed in the Eastern Roman Empire from all the different styles which were in existence at that early period. The first impulse to the development of a Byzantine style was given in the year 30 A. D., when Byzantine or Constantinople became the seat of the royal residence of the emperor Constantine. READ MORE.

So soon as charlemagne had succeeded to a certain extent in consolidating his empire, he selected Aixla-Chapelle as his place of residence, and called around him in that city artist of all kinds both from the former Western as well as from the Eastern Roman empires. These artist were engaged in decorating and adorning his palaces, and it was here that a new style, the Romanesque style, based upon classic architecture. READ MORE.

Thursday 6 February 2014


Mempersiapkan Diri Menjadi Pemimpin – Menurut pakar karier, sebenarnya setiap karyawan harus mempersiapkan dirinya menjadi pemimpin karena cepat atau lambat, terutama karyawan yanng potensial, suatu saat menjadi pemimpin. Nah, Anda yang merasa bakal menjadi pemimpin suatu saat kelak, persiapkan diri Anda mulai dari sekarang karena menjadi pemimpin tidaklah mudah. Caranya? Simak beberapa tip di bawah ini :

1. Pelajari gaya kepemimpinan tokoh-tokoh pemimpin yang Anda kagumi. Kemudian, seraplah hal-hal positif dari tokoh tersebut. Walau tidak harus sama seperti tokoh idola, hal ini dapat memacu diri Anda untuk menjadi pemimpin berkualitas.

2. Belajarlah menghadapi kondisi di mana Anda merasa tidak nyaman karena seorang pemimpin dituntut untuk siap menghadapi Kondisi apapun, baik menyenangkan ataupun sebaliknya. Jika muncul suatu masalah, hadapi. Jangan pernah melarikan diri dari masalah. Jangan pernah berpikir, "Sepertinya saya tidak bisa." Anda harus yakin bahwa Anda bisa melakukannya.

3. Ikutilah kursus singkat atau seminar mengenai bidang yang belum Anda kuasai. Semakin banyak ilmu, wawasan dan pengetahuan yang Anda miliki, rasa percaya diri akan bertambah. Hal ini penting dimiliki oleh seorang pemimpin.

4. Belajarlah menghadapi orang banyak dan tampil di depan umum sesering mungkin. Jika Anda terbiasa menghadapi orang banyak, Anda tidak akan grogi lagi. Ingat, seorang pemimpin tidak boleh ragu dan malu berhadapan dengan orang banyak.

5. Kerjakan semua tugas dan pekerjaan Anda dengan baik. Penuhi setiap deadline. Jika Anda tergabung dalam kerja tim, kembangkan sikap kerjasama yang solid. Hargai saran dan pendapat dari orang lain, tetapi jangan ragu untuk mengemukakan ide dan pendapat Anda.

6. Belajarlah untuk menularkan kelebihan Anda kepada rekan-rekan. Jika rekan Anda membutuihkan bantuan Anda, bantulah! Jangan menjadi pribadi egois yang hanya ingin menerima bantuan. Jika orang lain membutuhkan Anda, jangan ragu untuk turun tangan.

Jika Anda memutuskan untuk belajar menjadi pemimpin dari sekarang. Anda tinggal mempraktikannya ketika menjadi pemimpin sungguhan. Kemudian, saat itu terjadi, Anda pun sudah siap menjadi seorang pemimpin berkualitas.

Artikel Terkait :
Memotivasi orang lain bukanlah perkara mudah karena motivasi berkaitan dengan semangat, kemauan atau dorongan dari dalam diri seseorang untuk mencapai sesuatu yang diharapkan. Dengan demikian, motivasi pada diri setiap orang sangat individual sifatnya. BACA SELENGKAPNYA.

Pemimpin atau leader pasti memiliki kekuasaan terhadap sejumlah staf dan anak buahnya. Tak heran jika ada yang menyebut pemimpin dengan istilah 'sang penguasa'. Namun, kekuasaan tersebut tidak mampir begitu saja ke pundak pemimpin. Untuk menjadi pemimpin yang mampu berkuasa dengan baik, Anda harus melewati serangkaian proses. BACA SELENGKAPNYA.


10 Cara Meningkatkan Kekuasaan – Pemimpin atau leader pasti memiliki kekuasaan terhadap sejumlah staf dan anak buahnya. Tak heran jika ada yang menyebut pemimpin dengan istilah 'sang penguasa'. Namun, kekuasaan tersebut tidak mampir begitu saja ke pundak pemimpin. Untuk menjadi pemimpin yang mampu berkuasa dengan baik, Anda harus melewati serangkaian proses.

Pakar karier, Stephen R. Covey, mengatakan bahwa kekuasaan seorang pemimpin baru sah jika pemimpin itu dihormati, dihargai dan diakui oleh orang lain. Untuk lebih jelasnya, Anda perlu mengenali 10 saran Covey yang dapat meningkatkan kekuasaan seorang pemimpin.

1. Sikap Persuasif
Dengan bersikap persuasif, Anda akan menghargai ide dan perspektif para anak buah, tetapi tetap mempunyai alasan kuat untuk keinginan Anda. Komunikasikan pada anak buah hingga membuahkan hasil yang menguntungkan dan memuaskan semua pihak.

2. Kesabaran
Bersabarlah pada suatu proses. Walau anda mengalami kegagalan, kekurangan, dan ketidaknyamanan yang ditimbulkan oleh orang lain, kesabaran akan menjadi obat mujarab untuk mencapai tujuan. Pertahankan tujuan jangka panjang dan komitmen pada target tujuan. Bersabarlah ketika Anda mendapat rintangan dan penolakan-penolakan dalam waktu dekat.

3. Kelembutan
Gunakan bahasa yang lembut dan halus untuk mengungkapkan kekecewaan dan ketidak puasan terhadap anak buah atau orang lain. Jangan menggunakan perbuatan kasar, kekerasan atau pemaksaan. Sekali Anda melakukannya, mereka justru akan menjauh dan memberontak dari kepemimpinan Anda.

4. Bersedia Belajar dari Anak Buah
Walaupun Anda pemimpin, bukan berarti Anda mempunyai semua jawaban terhadap semua permasalahan. Untuk permasalahan yang belum terpecahkan, jangan ragu meminta pendapat, urun rembug, dan belajar dari anak buah. Hargai sudut pandang merekam baik penilaian dan berbagai pengalaman anak buah yang mungkin belum Anda miliki.

5. Menerima
Pendapat, kritik dan saran dari anak buah memang bagus bagi perkembangan dan kemajuan perusahaan. Ada baiknya Anda mempertimbangkan dan menerima usul serta saran tersebut. Kontribusi anak buah justru memberi dampak positif bagi kemajuan perusahaan.

6. Perhatian
Bersikaplah lebih peka, pengertian, perhatian, dan bijaksana terhadap semua jajaran staf dan anak buah. Cari tahu masalah apa yang sedang mereka hadapi dan kebutuhan mereka yang perlu dipenuhi saat ini. Kemudian, carilah solusi terbaik.

7. Keterbukaan
Anda perlu mendapatkan informasi akurat tentang potensi anak buah, tetapi tetap menghargai kondisi mereka, di luar tugas dan tanggung jwab yang mereka miliki. Sering-seringlah memberi pertimbangan dan saran untuk perkembangan karier anak buah.

8. Introspeksi
Jangan ragu mengaku salah. Hal ini dapat menjadi teladan bagi anak buah untuk melakukan introspeksi dan koreksi diri. Semua itu harus dilakukan dengan tulus dan penuh keakraban sehingga anak buah merasa nyaman untuk mengerjakan tugas yang berat dan mengandung risiko.

9. Konsisten
Dengan sikap konsisten, gaya kepemimpinan bukan merupakan teknik mani pulasi yang Anda pergunakan bila menghadapi kesulitan, krisis atau tantangan. Dengan demikian, gaya kepemimpinan merupakan seperangkat nilai, aturan yang menjabarkan pribadi Anda, serta refleksi 'Siapa' Anda kini dan 'Menjadi apa' Anda kelak.

10. Integritas
Anda harus jujur memadukan kata-kata dan perasaan dalam pikiran dan tindakan. Semua dilakukan demi kebaikan orang lain, dengan tidak berbuat curang, menipu, dan mengambil keuntungan dari orang lain. Anda harus terus-menerus memikirkan kembali niat Anda saat berjuang untuk memperoleh keberhasilan.

Bagi sebagian orang, prinsip dan nilai-nilai kepemimpinan di atas merupakan hal yang cukup berat. Hanya pemimpin dengan kualitas tinggi yang dapat melakukannya untuk meraih kekuasaan. Ingat, dengan menggenggam kekuasaan, bukan berarti Anda bisa bersikap sewenang-wenang untuk emncapai tujuan yang diinginkan, justru dengan memiliki kekuasaan, Anda menjadi lebih bijaksana menghadapi orang lain.

Artikel Terkait :
Memotivasi orang lain bukanlah perkara mudah karena motivasi berkaitan dengan semangat, kemauan atau dorongan dari dalam diri seseorang untuk mencapai sesuatu yang diharapkan. Dengan demikian, motivasi pada diri setiap orang sangat individual sifatnya. BACA SELENGKAPNYA.

Menurut pakar karier, sebenarnya setiap karyawan harus mempersiapkan dirinya menjadi pemimpin karena cepat atau lambat, terutama karyawan yanng potensial, suatu saat menjadi pemimpin. Nah, Anda yang merasa bakal menjadi pemimpin suatu saat kelak, persiapkan diri Anda mulai dari sekarang karena menjadi pemimpin tidaklah mudah. Caranya? BACA SELENGKAPNYA.

Wednesday 5 February 2014


Kiat Memotivasi Anak Buah – Memotivasi orang lain bukanlah perkara mudah karena motivasi berkaitan dengan semangat, kemauan atau dorongan dari dalam diri seseorang untuk mencapai sesuatu yang diharapkan. Dengan demikian, motivasi pada diri setiap orang sangat individual sifatnya.

Akan tetapi, jika posisi Anda adalah bos atau atasan, mau tidak mau Anda harus bisa memotivasi anak buah karena berhasil atau tidaknya Anda dalam memimpin, sering diukur dari keberhasilan dalam memotivasi anak buah. Tentu saja motivasi yang Anda berikan akan berpengaruh positif bagi kemajuan perusahaan. Nah, bagi Anda para atasan, simak kiat memotivasi anak buah dari Saul Gellerman dalam bukunya Motivating Superior Performance berikut ini :

1.Berikan keterangan yang mereka perlukan untuk melakukan pekerjaan yang baik. Ingat, komunikasi yang terbuka mempengaruhi kelancaran anak buah dalam menyelesaikan pekerjaan.

2.Berikan kesempatan pada anak buah untuk memberikan respons positif terhadap tugas yang Anda berikan. Respons atau umpan balik merupakan hal yang penting untuk menambah kemajuan Anda. Jangan lupa libatkan mereka dalam keputusan penting.

3.Buat saluran komunikasi yang mudah digunakan untuk menampung semua aspirasi dan pendapat anak buah. Biasakan membuka e-mail dari anak buah dan simak apa yang mereka sampaikan. Jangan menunda membalas e-mail mereka.

4.Pelajari apa saja yang diinginkan setiap karyawan terhadap pekerjaan yang dijalaninya. Ciptakan peluang dan kesempatan untuk mendapatkan apa yang mereka wujudkan dalam berkarier.

5.Berikan ucapan selamat secara pribadi kepada karyawan yang berhasil mengerjakan tugas dengan baik. Ini merupakan cara yang paling efektif untuk memotivasi karyawan.

Artikel Terkait :
Pemimpin atau leader pasti memiliki kekuasaan terhadap sejumlah staf dan anak buahnya. Tak heran jika ada yang menyebut pemimpin dengan istilah 'sang penguasa'. Namun, kekuasaan tersebut tidak mampir begitu saja ke pundak pemimpin. Untuk menjadi pemimpin yang mampu berkuasa dengan baik, Anda harus melewati serangkaian proses. BACA SELENGKAPNYA.

Menurut pakar karier, sebenarnya setiap karyawan harus mempersiapkan dirinya menjadi pemimpin karena cepat atau lambat, terutama karyawan yanng potensial, suatu saat menjadi pemimpin. Nah, Anda yang merasa bakal menjadi pemimpin suatu saat kelak, persiapkan diri Anda mulai dari sekarang karena menjadi pemimpin tidaklah mudah. Caranya? BACA SELENGKAPNYA.